


广告技术 注意 消费者行为
广告技术 注意 消费者行为 有效性 市场概述 测量


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Overcome the CTR dependency with these three proactive measures from B2B marketing experts

三年前, IAB UK took a stand on behalf of the digital marketing community and launched its first National Anti-Click-Through Rate Day (2019). Many of us in the industry are familiar with the harm that can be caused by measuring success based only on click-through rates. 不幸的是, 尽管IAB英国的努力, this practice remains rife in boardrooms and marketing offices up and down the country. 这篇博客探讨了点击率依赖可能导致的一些问题, 并提出了三个积极的措施来摆脱这个坏习惯.


我们知道衡量点击率是个坏习惯, 但有很多原因让人难以放弃. 这些听起来熟悉吗?





没有放之四海而皆准的解决方案或替代点击率, but if we want to start changing the industry’s behaviour we can: start a conversation, 问问题, 挑战偏见, 找到衡量成功的新方法. So, 我们将分享我们的观点, and perhaps we can help others to adopt a better approach to digital marketing measurement.


无论你是在进行品牌活动还是需求挖掘, 你希望与你的目标受众建立联系. B2B营销的目的是开启对话, tell people about your brand and show them how you can solve their business challenges.

The user journey is long – often taking 18 months or more – and a single click is a million miles away from a closed deal. That’s why B2B advertisers must focus on generating high-quality inbound traffic, 而不是高的数字. You can drive thousands of clicks using a media channel or strategy that delivers high CTR, 但这些往往不是您的业务需要的点击.

如果网站用户粘性低,跳出率高怎么办? 你认为这个媒体渠道或策略是成功的吗? 希望不是. 如果你只关注点击率, it could lead you to invest more time and effort into what is effectively a dead-end for ROI.

On the other hand, you might pause a channel or strategy that shows a low CTR. 但如果你不考虑所有相关指标, and you don’t look beyond how the users engaged with your ad in order to see how they engage with your website, 你可能会拒绝高质量的流量. Having a handful of users from your target audience engaging with your content and spending time on your site is surely more important than seeing “> 0.10%的点击率”.


Brands must consider the impact of online advertising across all users, including the 99.85%的人接触过这个活动,但没有点击. 我们必须认识到,媒体的格局已经发生了变化. 现在 we can buy media channels using models that focus on cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-completed view (CPCV), 例如.

在CPCV购买模型中, all we want is for users to watch that brand’s video – we don’t ask them to take action, 所以看点击率是无关紧要的. Whereas if you’re buying on a CPC basis, you’re guaranteed the number of clicks. Here, having a high number of impressions can only be beneficial for your brand. 所以即使你的点击率下降,这也会是个问题吗?

记住,每个印象都是向你的目标受众展示你的品牌. And although they might not act on it immediately, that doesn’t mean they never will. 也, we mustn’t underestimate the importance of impressions for indirect conversions. 你是否在追踪浏览后的转化率? 这比点击后的转化率要低, 当然, but is it not more valuable to have a user see your ads and visit your site organically, 而不仅仅是拥有高点击率?


作为一家B2B媒体机构, 我们强烈建议我们的客户在页面上跟踪参与度, 但这需要的不仅仅是简单地查看谷歌分析数据. 在发起活动之前, 设定正确的目标和策略是至关重要的, 还要确保你们就相关的kpi达成一致. Then, you set up your campaign in a way that enables reporting on those KPIs.

取决于你想测量什么, 有大量的测量和跟踪解决方案可用:

  1. 品牌研究Conducting surveys to compare your brand’s position 之前 and after a specific campaign will require extra investment and time, 但从长远来看,它可能非常有价值. Here the insight gained from qualitative data can help you allocate your marketing budget with much more efficiency. 也, 现在有越来越多的人可以接触到, 预算友好型的品牌调查可以使用.
  2. 归因模型: Casting a wide net of technical KPIs will enable you to start making a full funnel analysis, 而不是一个非常狭窄的. 例如, you could enhance individual webpages using floodlight tags to reveal more information about how visitors are engaging with the content of your site. Combining a broad range of data such as these will enable an attribution modelling approach that can capture a much more detailed understanding of what’s really going on in your customer journey.
  3. 关注数据: 新进入市场的玩家使用的是专注于广告关注度的指标, 它们有时会使用来自可选面板的眼动追踪数据. These are quickly being pushed to the fore with growing numbers of 代理商和品牌 now reporting on a much wider scope of metrics. 注意力数据可用于规划, 还有广告的衡量, allowing advertisers to enhance their models from end-to-end based on actual user behaviour. 


我们并不是建议你完全放弃点击率这一指标. 作为平衡KPI策略的一部分,它有时可能是有见地的. 以社交赞助帖子为例. 和以前一样,高点击率的帖子可能不会带来最好的效果. 然而, what that high CTR does show is that it’s caught the audience’s attention more effectively than another social post with a lower CTR.

现在, there’s an opportunity to dig deeper – don’t simply pause the posts with lowest CTR, instead look to see which creative approach was taken for the post with the highest CTR, 然后结合起来. 我们可以考虑:哪些元素表现最好? 是复制,还是视觉风格? How can this insight be used to increase clicks on the post that generated higher engagement on site?  


虽然没有一个通用的方法可以代替点击率作为KPI, 我们有一个建议,每个品牌都可以适用, 无论是B2B还是B2C: 要特别注意为你的品牌设定正确的目标 之前 你开始你的营销活动.

Make sure that you’re employing a strategic approach that can be measured using relevant KPIs, 哪些已经提前达成一致. Setting up your campaign correctly to allow the right tracking will always require more time and effort, but this is the key to unlocking successful measurement of your digital marketing efforts. And it can provide you with valuable information and insight that will help to break an unhealthy reliance on CTR.


伸出手去 us 如果你想继续谈话的话.

By Emilie Bordbar-Ordekani and Sarah Cowan, Media Account Director and Programmatic 洞察力 & 战略规划领导

合众创意有限公司 & 安可数字媒体

twogether 是一家屡获殊荣的全球100% B2B技术营销机构. And the only one that delivers a total service, fully-integrated, in-house.

把你的技术带入生活. twogether. 作为一个.

再来一个 Digital Media是一家专业的B2B节目合作伙伴. 

发布: 2022年2月11日星期五