


音频和语音 品牌安全
音频和语音 品牌安全


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利用智能音箱的广告潜力, 理解是什么让音频如此独特是很重要的, 以及它所提供的机会, Covatic的丹·派克写道

The advertising industry is constantly looking for ways to reach new audiences. 在这样一个竞争激烈的市场, it’s always worthwhile to investigate new and under explored targeting opportunities. 其中一种接触未开发受众的方式是通过智能扬声器.

Smart speakers are already making (air)waves because of their potential when it comes to audio advertising. 近一半 (44%) of UK adults aged 16-64 owned a smart speaker in 2022, and the number is rising. This creates a highly engaged, addressable audience for brands to tap into.

利用智能音箱的广告潜力, 理解是什么让音频如此独特是很重要的, 以及它所提供的机会.


智能音箱在市场上已经存在了 不到十年. 然而, the global smart speaker market is projected to reach $100 billion by 2032, 年复合增长率超过25%. 它们的快速增长应该使它们牢牢地进入每个营销人员的视线.

虽然不总是像视觉上的对手那样引人注目, audio advertising – particularly on radio – has long been part of media plans, RAJAR报道了商业电台有史以来最高的听众人数 (38.2023年将达到700万美元. Smart speakers provide an opportunity for marketers to explore this audio space and monetise in new and innovative ways.

说到内容, 简短而有力的行动号召, 核心信息, and engaging content are more memorable than long ads brimming with information. 缺乏视觉线索,创造性的执行是关键. 但智能扬声器不仅仅是一个听力设备, 为市场营销人员提供了充分的机会来展示他们的创造力.


Smart speakers have evolved beyond voice-activated assistants, to become ‘companions’ for users. 除了听音乐之外, 播客, 或广播, 它们可以成为购物的有用工具, 家庭组织, 甚至是烹饪时的分步食谱. Understanding these nuances equips marketers with the knowledge to better target their audiences.

当然,用户也可以和他们的智能音箱说话. 这可以转化为营销人员的优势, as, 根据neuroinsight的说法, 会话智能音箱广告生成 30% 如果用户在广告后说出品牌名称,大脑会更活跃.

Not only does the speech technology of 聪明的人 deepen the connection between brands and audiences, 但它也支持“可操作”的音频活动. 例如, users can request a link to be emailed to them or sent to their phone after listening to an ad. 这些广告的互动性促进了用户的参与. 无论是登录一个新的应用程序, 购买产品, 或者请求服务, 这种参与是取得成果的关键.


The varied and high-quality content on offer via 聪明的人 is also a plus for marketers. Live radio shows, 例如, create unique bonds between the host and regular listeners. 当收音机成为消费者日常生活的一部分, 它创造了一种社区和信任感, which is then reflected in the ads or other brand messaging that feature alongside programming. 通过利用节目独特的数据和观众知识, marketers can also identify prime targeting opportunities and tailor their strategies accordingly.

Podcasts are another incredibly popular opportunity for advertisers, accounting for nearly 60% 占欧洲所有数字音频支出的一半. 健身、恋爱建议、电影评论、商业 & 企业家精神和真实犯罪只是最受彩乐园dsn的一些类型. Brands have a golden opportunity to target what are often very specialised 播客 audiences and drive revenue.


提供最好的聆听体验, 同时仍然提供高度相关的广告, 品牌必须花时间了解用户的收听习惯. Incorporating ads into the flow of content effectively and seamlessly helps brands deliver their messages in an organic way. The same principles apply to audio as they do to TV and video: don’t have too many ads, 尽量减少对内容的干扰, 避免重复广告.

One popular way to deliver audio brand messaging is through host-read ads. Studies have shown consumers are more likely to buy a product that has been endorsed by a celebrity or personality they admire, 近四分之三的消费者对 个性化的广告. 某个特定节目的观众已经对主持人产生了好感, 无论是电台节目还是播客主持人. 当他们亲自阅读时, 用他们特有的语调和表达方式, 这则广告更能引起观众的共鸣, 提升品牌参与度.


隐私是广告业日益关注的问题, so identifying audiences without the use of personal information is a growing priority for marketers, 这需要自己的一套技术和解决方案.

才能真正在智能音箱广告生态系统中取得成功, one must first select solutions that not only deliver outstanding results and significant ROI but also address growing addressability, 有效性, 隐私挑战. Covatic’s unique approach enables brands to target audiences effectively and at scale across premium audio environments. Its privacy-centric technology enables brands to understand their audiences by categorising them and their behaviours without the use of any personal data.

Covatic’s solution works by employing a mix of first party data and probabilistic methodologies to understand users’ habits and preferences, 根据选择的类别, 使品牌能够“细分”受众,以实现有效的目标定位. 这样做的时候, Covatic enables brands to understand the behaviours of smart speaker users, 不知道他们是谁, 根据背景而不是身份来定位他们. Not only is this privacy-compliant, but it’s also highly effective and scalable.


  • Set out your campaign goals and identify your target audience – understanding who you want to deliver your messaging to is essential for a successful audio campaign


  • Identify the right formats for you and your audience – choosing between in-programme sponsorship or pre-roll advertising, 例如, 会对信息的接收方式起很大的作用吗


  • Align your advertising with the environment and consider the listening experience


  • 你的信息和号召要清晰简洁. 保持广告简短


  • Ensure your creative is attention-grabbing – your audience may be involved in another activity while listening and you need to pull their attention in your direction
  • 玩得开心! 也许你的品牌未来会有一个声音标志



Covatic帮助在线出版商, media companies and brands better target advertising while protecting their users’ privacy.

Our platform gives them the ability to identify and address their entire audience without using cookies or personal identifiers and works across multiple platforms including mobile, 网络, 聪明的人, CTV原生和CTV应用. 像Bauer这样的发行商, 天空, and Octave already work with Covatic to tap into previously unavailable advertising opportunities, allowing them to gain substantial new returns on advertising spend just months after partnering with us.

发布: 2024年3月21日星期四