ShowHeroes的测量之旅 & 报告碳排放量



Key focus





在ShowHeroes, 我们努力打造一个负责任和可持续发展的广告科技公司, 这意味着我们的目标是平衡人, 地球与利润. As a 可持续性 Champion I am spearheading the sustainability efforts within ShowHeroes. This means focusing on building a great place to work; championing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging; contributing to environmental sustainability; giving back to communities; and ensuring we have high standards of governance.


通过教育, 领导, 和宣传, I strive to instill a sense of corporate responsibility for ShowHeroes. 这是为了提高人们的意识, 与所有团队合作 and influencing decision making to foster a sustainable culture, 为所有利益相关者带来长期利益, 以及公司的底线. 

  • Take every opportunity to be vocal as to why and how the company should be more sustainable. I first talked directly to the founders to get their buy-in and support, demonstrating that I know the business and showcased how sustainability ties into the existing business strategy. I started raising awareness by sharing my knowledge with my colleagues, 这导致他们要求我开发 研讨会 about the topic in our industry and share them internally, and also with our agency partners. 接下来是制定可持续性指导方针.
  • 成为可持续发展话题的专家. By sharing my knowledge I was asked to assess where the company was in terms of sustainability, and also to review and embed ESG principles into some of our existing policies like travel and procurement. 
  • It’s also being aligned with the company's purpose (if you are not a purpose-driven organisation then you need to rethink your business). 对ShowHeroes来说是这样 更好的媒体,基于五大支柱:内容 & 创造力、数据伦理、人工智能、环境足迹和DE&I. 我帮助开发了更好的媒体框架, which serves as our north star and puts sustainability at the heart of our activities and solutions.

What was the first step you took to get the initiative off the ground?

开始ShowHeroes的可持续发展之旅, I first conducted an assessment to identify and understand the potential ESG risks and opportunities. I engaged with our stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations so as to align our sustainability efforts. 通过这样做, I determined the key areas we should work on in our business operations where we can have the biggest impacts. These are; energy efficiency, 采用可再生能源, 可持续供应链, 数据中心效率, 可持续广告措施, 合乎道德的数据使用, 环保产品开发, content production and building an inclusive and diverse company culture.


最初我是全球营销经理, 因此,我建议将我的部分时间(20%)用于ESG主题. 

We’ve invested in a tool to help with the double-materiality assessment survey and to gather the data needed for our sustainability reporting. 

最后但并非最不重要的是, 我们与两家公司合作测量碳足迹, 专门为我们的Scope3广告活动准备的, 并与Cedara合作减少企业的碳足迹.


Currently we are working on our first integrated report which has financial and non-finacial data including our ESG metrics. 通过展示我们对环境可持续性的承诺, 社会责任, and good governance we attract clients and investors who prefer to engage with ethical and responsible businesses. 

We’re the first digital video platform to holistically measure and report their carbon emissions across all scopes. We’re able to report our emissions according to Cedara’s media taxonomy, providing a granular breakout into categories allowing for greater optimization and reduction. This data is helping us start the process of reducing and compensating our emissions. 因为我们的大部分排放来自我们的供应链, 并以设定净零目标为目标, 我们正在建造一个 可持续的出版商市场 加入并测量我们的出版商合作伙伴的排放量.

我启动了 Green About Media播客, 我和我的搭档主持教育的地方, inform, and hopefully inspire genuine action from the entire digital advertising industry.


What have you learnt that could help others looking to do something similar?

  • It can be easy to feel overwhelmed when we read about the problems facing our planet. As a sustainability champion the first thing to do is to share your knowledge, 提高人们的意识,虽然听起来很俗气, 帮助改变. 
  • We have to realize that sometimes we will need to challenge what the priorities need to be at a given time. 如果我们总是寻求同意,就不会有任何改变. 
  • 可持续性 is not only about the environment and carbon footprint. There is still a lack of awareness and understanding about ESG and sustainability in general, 不仅在内部,而且在外部.
  • Currently, 没有普遍的, agreed-upon standards for measuring and reporting in the digital advertising industry, 难以选择正确的框架, 收集准确的数据, 并确保报告的透明度.
  • 可持续性 should be integrated into all aspects of the company and operations, 而不是被当作一个单独的项目. 
  • 我们需要跟踪我们的进展并确保问责制. Regular reporting and transparent communications are essential for building trust and showcasing progress.


这是为了提高人们的意识, education, 与所有团队合作, challenging and influencing decision making with sustainability principles, 为所有利益相关者带来长期利益, 以及公司的底线.

To prioritize ShowHeroes’ sustainability efforts along our entire value chain, our 更好的媒体 Framework was set up to create a real impact in our industry together with all of our stakeholders. 从一开始, Araceli has been a crucial part of promoting and applying these principles in order to reach our company goals. 我们为她成为我们的“可持续发展冠军”而感到自豪。, showcasing internally and externally the importance of this topic while helping us drive the necessary changes.


CMO & ShowHeroes Group联合创始人



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支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.